We exist to stop the fluoridation of our drinking water by Severn Trent Water Limited in the West Midlands (UK).  
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Ladybower Reservoir, Derby Peak District

    The Six Dams, Elan Valley, mid-Wales

     Elan Valley to Frankley Reservoir Aqueduct

Frankley Reservoir, Birmingham

The UK Government has decided to fluoridate the drinking water of England and Wales.  The campaign against Water Fluoridation has now become a national campaign. 

We're still conscious that there are many people in the West Midlands who have been left up the creek without a paddle.  We're fluoridated and the legislation locks us into the practice. 

All we could do was to stop more fluoridation proposals succeeding.  The strategy has worked:  since 1987, there have been no new fluoridation programmes in England.  The last WF programme in Wales ended in 1991 before the legal stranglehold engulfed the province.

However, the UK Government has shot itself in the foot.  Mainly due to activities in the USA, the West Midlands now has a chance of being released from compulsory medication.

While we are moving forwards, could visitors to this site please go to


for news after reading the sections below.

The national organisation against Water Fluoridation is

Fluoride Free Alliance UK


The West Midlands is unlawfully locked into Water Fluoridation by UK legislation which requires the Secretary of State to propose amendments to the Water Industry Act 1991.  Amendments to stop fluoridation or to reduce the concentration of fluoride added to drinking water is not going to happen while the Establishment led by the Cabinet Secretary and Chief Medical Officers for England, Wales, Scotland and N. Ireland continue to believe in "The Myth" about swallowed fluoride preventing tooth decay.

Consequently, Fluoride Free Alliance UK is taking legal action.  A Barrister and Solicitor have been retained and claimants who wish to sue the Government are gradually being identified.  We have decided to go via the route of Class Action.

People living and/or working in the West Midlands are fluoridated without their consent.  They are sold medicinal water which is not licensed.  Medicinal water is not drinking water so why should we pay for something we don't want to purchase.  Ironically, people who have no teeth of their own are still fluoridated. 

The recent controversy centres on fluoride's capacity to reduce IQ.  The foetus and infant are highly vulnerable because they have no blood-brain-barrier.  Several studies have found that a reduction in IQ occurs due to over-exposure to fluoride in the womb and when an infant is given baby formula made with fluoridated tap water.  Expectant mothers are also warned to avoid fluoride-containing foods such as tea, whether or not they are fluoridated.

This loss of IQ is permanent.  That indicates permanent brain damage.

This cannot be allowed to continue.  The only way in which the stranglehold can be loosened is to take the Government and its Establishment to court.

Please join us in this legal action.

Volunteers to join the Class Action are urged to contact Joy Warren on wmaf@live.co.uk in the first instance. 

(February 2025)

Lots more has gone on since 2021.  We have been adding information to our main websites: www.ukfffa.org.uk and www.newfc.org.uk, including the excellent news from the USA which, under Trump's Presidency and RFK Jr's care, will phase out Water Fluoridation during 2025.  What happens in the USA eventually travels across The Pond.  However, we can't expect the UK Government to voluntarily stop the practice of adding a neurotoxin to our drinking water.  We have to give a hard push and that is why we have decided to take legal action.


The important clauses in this Bill meant that the Government took over ALL responsibility for Water Fluoridation in England and Wales.  They already had responsibility for existing WF programmes.  Now, in future, at the request of local authorities, they would be able to go out to public consultation in the area proposed for WF and make a decision without consulting the relevant local authority/authorities. 

The first Public Consultation took place in Summer 2024 and involved 1.6 million people in the North-East of England.  It closed on 31st July.  We're still waiting for a decision though, probably because the DHSC is too worried about the US Court ruling on 24th September 2024 which found that "fluoride poses an unreasonable risk to the Health and IQ of children."

Has the DHSC unwittingly allowed itself to be handed a poisoned chalice?  It most certainly is "poisoned".  Henceforth, it will be perfectly OK to label fluoride as being a neurotoxin.

The days of being called "conspiracy theorists" are over.  There is a senior US judge's ruling following a 6-year-long court case which supports our case: fluoride has no business being anywhere near or in our bodies. 


Visitors might think that this has nothing to do with them if they currently live in the West Midlands which is comprehensively fluoridated - yes, even Stratford-on-Avon has adulterated drinking water.  However, it would be a tragedy if more WF programmes were initiated, particularly since research evidence regarding the damage done to human and animal intelligence is overwhelming.  Not that the DHSC is taking any notice. 

The Fluoride Alert Network  (www.fluoridealert.org) has released a useful file which lists the most important pieces of research which should be sent to all West Midlands MPs to inform them of the dire situation which their colleagues could be catapulting England into.


Frankley Water Treatment Works (WTW) was designed for treatment of Elan Valley water, a high quality raw water source from upland reservoirs in Wales. It is low in organics, solids, pollutants and alkalinity. The Dissolved Air Flotation systems (DAFs) at Frankley WTW were designed for the treatment of the Elan raw water source.  In order to achieve a sufficiency of raw water for treatment, Elan Valley water is often supplemented with Severn Valley raw water.  This type of water, known as surface water, needs to be purified using another technology due to its high content to dissolved solids. 

Drinking such pure Elan treated water has its downsides.  Essential minerals, such as magnesium, are minimal and the absence of other essential minerals imply that unless one pays special attention to one's diet, the majority of people in Birmingham are likely to be almost deficient in these vital elements.  However, the quality of the treated water finds favour with many residents because "it makes a really good cup of tea!"

The practice of Water Fluoridation has gone under the radar, with the majority of Birmingham and West Midlands residents being unknowing about the fluoridation chemicals and the water purification chemicals added to raw water.  The Government firmly believes that fluoridated water is safe to drink without there being any scientific proof (because they are told so by Dental Public Health consultants, the Chief Medical Officer for England, the British Dental Association and the British Fluoridation Society).  The British Medical Association, if not vociferous on the topic, is quietly approving of the practice (even though in the 1960s, medical doctors were demonstrably far less in favour).  The Petition below dating from 1966 is a little difficult to read: pressing Ctrl + a few times enlarges the text.

Raw water sources for other fluoridated parts of the West Midlands are either surface water (river and rain water) or groundwater.  Such raw water is normally slightly alkaline and contains sufficient essential minerals to ensure the health of water consumers.  However, the added fluoride reacts with many essential minerals and ensures that they are not bioavailable.  Using the example of magnesium, in the presence of fluoride, a compound is formed - magnesium fluoride.  This has the unfortunate effect that magnesium cannot enter cells.  Since magnesium is a co-factor in hundreds of processes in the body, West Midlanders are likely to be gradually made ill because of the presence of fluoride.  The situation in Birmingham is made worse due to a deficiency of magnesium in the Elan Valley raw water, even if a modicum of Severn River raw water is blended with it.

Fluoride is intended to be the magic bullet which prevents dental decay in small children whose baby teeth are not protected with a thick layer of enamel.  Since the teeth are deciduous, nature has seen fit not to invest in making the baby teeth strong.  Also, young children are not given food which is hard to chew so strengthening the teeth would be a waste of valuable resources.  Unfortunately, this means that the teeth are more likely to be challenged by acidic foods and lack of dental hygiene.  In some families where familial kissing is practised, the transmission of decay-causing bacteria is almost a given.  Where breast feeding is not practised, the infant and baby receives less vital substances which guard against decay.  When families do not persevere with tooth-brushing after meals, then the three factors outlined above contribute to the decay process. A disturbing fact: children exposed to second-hand smoke are more prone to decay.

Swallowing fluoride before the teeth have erupted has historically been seen by the organisations mentioned in Paragraph 3 above to be a good way of strengthening the teeth.  However, it makes no sense at all to swallow this element when it's the surfaces of the teeth which need strengthening against acid and bacterial attack.  It is often said that if you want sun tan lotion to be effective, it needs to be rubbed on the skin.  Swallowing lotion does not prevent sunburn.  The same reasoning is true of fluoride.  In the body, fluoride has very little effect on enamel.  At most, it may adhere to the inside surface of the enamel but that is not where the decay process starts. 

As time has gone by, it has become increasingly more likely that fluoride in the body as a means of preventing tooth decay has become less convincingly a prophylactic against decay and more of a political tool engineered by many diverse "actors" all of whom have their own particular motivation for encouraging and maintaining this quirky practice.

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